"Guilty", was the verdict of most women that could not read, because they simply were not allowed to. Most married women depended on their husbands to be their voice. Their husband were the ones that read and did the politicking. It was not a necessity for women to learn to read. Since the women had no voice, men were able to write what the wanted to write about them, and nothing would be said. The men could joke and criticize them as much as they wanted to, because the women had no defense. So, how could the women be charged with writing incorrectly, when they were not allowed to write or read. "I'm incorrect: the learned say that I write well, but not their way." So, how could the men really judge the women, when the women were not allowed to use their voice to fight back. If only the women had a chance to express themselves and fight back, would the men back into corners out of fear of being expose themselves. The women were literally ghost writers,...
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