Man vs The Divine

Blog Post #3
We have all the answers to the many problems the many problems that life has to offer. The study of medicine is more relevant to man than the study of the Word of God. Facts over Faith is our mindset, medicine rather than a miracle. Science tries to figure out the solution and wants to know certain things are the way they are, but facts is trust that all things are this way because you put them this way, and that makes those things perfect. I try to have faith in God instead of trusting medicine or science. Because faith in God has no bad side effect like medicine does. This is case between Isaac Newton and John Bunyan, one has all his faith in science and the other has all of his faith and hope in God.
“John Bunyan is one
of the most remarkable figures in seventeenth-century literature. The son of a
poor Bedfordshire tinker (a maker and mender of metal pots), he received only
meager schooling and then learned his father’s craft. Nothing in the
circumstances of his early life could have suggested that he would become a
writer known the world over. Preachers, both male
and female, often even less educated than Bunyan, were common phenomena among
the sects during the Commonwealth. They wished no ordination but the “call,”
and they could dispense with learning because they abounded in inspiration,
inner light, and the gifts conferred by the Holy Spirit. (page 2269)"
“Isaac Newton was the
posthumous son of a Lincolnshire farmer. As a boy, he invented machines; as an
undergraduate, he made major discoveries in optics and mathematics; and in
1667---at twenty-five---he was elected a fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
Two years later his teacher, Isaac Barrow, resigned the Lucasian Chair of
Mathematics in his favor. By then, in secret, Newton had already begun to
rethink the universe. His mind worked incessantly, at the highest level of
insight, both theoretical and experimental.” (page 2283).
Bunyan was born very poor and Newton was born very wealthy. Bunyan knew what it was to struggle and have faith because he never had much. So, it was easy for him to hope for things in life. Instead of John looking for answer to why stars exist, he was probably wondering why the poor had to suffer and serve the rich all their lives. Just as it is today, the poor serve the rich. The rich trust in their wealth for all the answers to life's problems, but the poor depend on hope and faith in God.
Newton was born into wealth. He never wanted for anything that was tangible. He spent his time studying why things in the universe worked. He did not trust in God, but instead he sought out his own way of life. Through his much research through science, he was able to explain certain things that contain to the universe.
Both men sought answers to life, Newton had faith in the universe through explanation and Bunyan sought God through faith and receive a revelation. One was lead by instinct and the other one was lead by the Holy Spirit.
Just as Newton and Bunyan both had different perspectives about this life through Science and Faith. The world is going through the same difference today. Man vs Divine(God). Mostly the rich and powerful trust science from the knowledge man through studies in science. The poor on people in the world, through their oppressors, trust and believe in God for hope and peace in this world.
John may not have had all of the worldly possession and wisdom of this world, but he had eternal peace and hope in the Divine(God).
Greenblatt, Stephen, Ed.
The Norton Anthology of English
Literature, Volume C: The Restoration and the 18th century (9th
Edition). New York: W.W. Norton & Co.,
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