"Now I Can See The Light of Hope and Opportunity"

       When I think of the "Enlightment Period", I think of "A Period of Hope". Darkness had become a veil over the minds and hearts of many, for the simple fact that there was no opportunity for no other class but the wealthy and so called rich. But change begin to take place, which gave opportunities to those that had no hope. 
       "The national population nearly doubled in the period, reaching ten million. Change came most dramatically to the cities: in London, new theaters, coffee house, concert halls, pleasure gardens, picture exhibitions and shopping districts gave life a feeling of bustle and friction. Civil society also linked people to an increasingly global economy, as they shopped for diverse goods from around the world."
        In the last decade the world witnessed a change in America that no man ever thought was possible. We all witnessed the first black President in America. This sight gave hope and turned on a light switch of hope in the hearts of many. This is hope was not just given to African Americans but all Americans no matter what race you were. People from all over the world wanted to come to America to taste the land that flowed with milk and honey. They wanted to come to a country that was being restored and given hope again to all, without any restrictions.

Sources: http://www.wwnorton.com/college/english/nael/18century/review/summary.htm


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